Tune Up Your Body With Craniosacral Therapy
By Gabriel Bobek, Guest Contributor
Slow down!... Stop running!... LISTEN! Is your body saying this to you? Living in a world of deadlines and cell phones there's a good chance it is. This time-obsessed age pushes our nervous systems and bodies beyond healthy limits and the stress can aggravate or cause much illness.
In the expanding field of alternative healthcare, CranioSacral Therapy is a modality that is foremost about listening. By listening and tuning into the ever present CranioSacral rhythm, a therapist detects misalignment, restriction and/or obstruction and gently accesses the body's internal corrective mechanisms.
A "New" Kind of Body Rhythm
CranioSacral Therapy is grounded in the osteopathic principle of the body as an integrated unit marvelously designed to heal itself and is based on the tiny ebb and flow of cerebrospinal fluid that supports the central nervous system. The bony cranial and vertebral cavities are lined with a tough waterproof membrane containing this glistening clear fluid within which the brain and spinal cord are suspended and protected. The small movement of the system can be compared to a water balloon that is squeezed very gently.
Through rigorous scientific experiment Dr. John Upledger proved this rhythmic movement happens continuously just like our breathing and heartbeat. This rhythm can be detected anywhere on the body and listening to it reveals a wealth of information directly.
For example, is the CranioSacral rhythm of one leg more restricted than the other, and if so, where specifically? The rhythm is an accurate indicator of past and present conditions and can be accessed to promote freedom, release and recovery.
CranioSacral Therapy is holistic, exceptionally gentle and safe. Unlike drug or other interventions there are no negative side effects.
As a CranioSacral Therapist I am keenly attuned to your process throughout the session, listening with my hands and helping you to tune into your whole system profoundly. By involving you in the process we expand awareness of your self-healing potential and engage mechanisms that may have been untapped.
The Many Facets of CranioSacral Therapy
One CranioSacral Therapy session can boost, re-balance and revitalize your nervous and immune systems as well as treat a broad range of conditions including: • | chronic neck & back pain |
• | headaches & migraines
• | TMJ dysfunction
• | stress & tension
• | ear/eye/nerve conditions
• | chronic fatigue/sleep disorders
• | post-traumatic stress
It's recommended for pre & post surgery and has been shown to improve surgical recovery.
It is fascinating that solutions often come in treating areas distant to the problem. As an example, I currently have a client with long standing Ménières Disease, a serious ear condition that includes ringing in the ears, vertigo and painful debilitating migraines. There's been steady improvement with each session but it was upon releasing his sacrum at the other end of his spine that the most dramatic improvement occurred. Since then, his migraines and vertigo have stopped completely and he's decreased his medication by half.
Relax and Revive
A CranioSacral session is received lying comfortably face up on a massage table in regular clothing and tends to be a very pleasant and deeply calming experience. Depending on the severity and type of condition a course of 3 to 5 sessions produces results, which indicate whether continued treatment is recommended.
Newcomers to CranioSacral are often surprised by the gentleness of the touch but this is the therapy's secret. By working below the body's recoil response profound change is coaxed from the inside out. The results come in gentle waves over time and may be noticed immediately, the next morning or even days after a session, subtly yet deeply supporting healing and building momentum towards well being.
CranioSacral Therapy is an excellent complement to traditional Western medicine-enhancing and integrating its benefits. It is also a great way to reduce stress and recharge our batteries.
Let's slow down and tune in to the sounds within us - the answers are there for those who listen.
Originally printed on doctorstevenpark.com.